The average house price on GLASGOW STREET is £117,770
The most expensive house in the street is FLAT 3 GLASGOW STREET with an estimated value of £200,734
The cheapest house in the street is 2A GLASGOW STREET with an estimated value of £75,747
The house which was most recently sold was 30 GLASGOW STREET, this sold on 24 Apr 2020 for £80,000
The postcode for GLASGOW STREET is TS17 7AH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2A GLASGOW STREET £75,747 £60,000 8 Mar 2018
FLAT 3 GLASGOW STREET £200,734 £150,000 30 Sep 2016
25 - 27 GLASGOW STREET £114,506 £92,000 14 Jun 2019
30 GLASGOW STREET £98,933 £80,000 24 Apr 2020
30 GLASGOW STREET £98,933 £80,000 24 Apr 2020